Saturday, October 27, 2007

October 22 - Water for Elephants

A small group met at Darla's last night to discuss Water for Elephants. Darla, assisted by her husband Dick (who BBQed and waited on us!), fed us well! Mini-pizza appetizers, a lovely green salad, delicious BBQ pork and sweet potatoes, yummy potato salad. And then Ghirardelli chocolate brownies and ice cream for dessert.

Everyone loved the book, both those in attendance and everyone I heard from. We talked about our experiences with circuses, about how the plot was laid out (yes, you were supposed to get the wrong idea about who killed August in the prologue), how wonderfully the author handled the issue of aging. We even talked about one of the book group guide questions in the back: how does Jacob's story mirror the story of Jacob in Genesis? Darla went and got us a bible, but Lisa had the answer. (He left home, got married, came back and claimed his birthright, or his brother's. Something like that. If you're really curious, try the Wikipedia article.)

Next Meetings
We had some discussion about what to do next, since we are several members unavailable in November or December or both. Here's what we decided:
  • For our November meeting, we will go on a shopping bus trip to Boston. Anybody who can make it, great -- it's a blast. Lisa will look into it for us.
  • For December, I will host, and all you need to do is show up and share a book (or books) you've already read. We'll also do our annual Yankee swap.
We thought the first week of December would be good. First choices are December 3 (Monday) or December 6 (Thursday). If you can make one or the other of those, please let me know.


1 comment:

Sanjiv Kumar said...

Hi Dear,

Can you add a feed subscriber or a e-mail subscriber to your blog. So that I can read as you publish as I read a lots of books and its good for me to choose a meaningful book which I can have an idea by reviewers like you.