Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 25 - 'The Golem and the Jinni'

Seven of us gathered for a delectible meeting at Karen's. The hostess supplied middle eastern chickpea stew and Mediterranean platter (hummus, pita, olives, feta), Becky brought a platter of quesadillas; Michelle brought delicious green beans, Heather brought spicy roasted cauliflower with blue-cheese dressing, Leann brought a wonderfully crunchy green salad. I saw Darla with some wine, and I supplied a mud pie for dessert. I think we were full and happy! Recipes please, ladies.

The book: well, not everybody finished it, but I think those that did were mostly positive about it. How's that for a summary?!

Naturally we talked about other books as well, including Grandma Gatewood's Walk, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights, and Voices in the Ocean.


When: Friday, October 30, 6 pm
Where: Leann's
What: American Ghost by Hannah Nordhaus