Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 17 @ the Norwich Inn

Six of us braved the weather for dinner at the Norwich Inn. (Apologies to anyone discouraged from coming by my last-minute panic over the potential for freezing rain.) I think we all agreed the food was delicious, and the size of the group made it easy for everyone to participate in the conversation.

As it was a book show-and-tell, I will leave to you all to chime in on books to post here. However, I want to make a plug for All The Light We Cannot See, which I read and Lisa is listening to right now. A National Book Award finalist, it is amazing

Also, we talked about Irish mystery writers, and I could not remember the name of the one I recently discovered and loved. So here he is: Adrian McKinty. I read In the Morning I'll Be Gone and loved it. If you'd like to read my review, here is the link: http://scrinanbbles.blogspot.com/2014/04/book-review-in-morning-ill-be-gone-by.html

We were supposed to decide what to read for December, but we punted and said read a Christmas story. Since most of us take in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," I'd like to propose we read the original, and if you can't stand that idea, read another classic tale and tell us about it.

Oh, and our fabulous Yankee Swap! Here's the deal: bring something consumable or book-related, used or new, but not more than $10 if new. Please, no bow-and-arrow sets.


When: Monday, December 15, 6 pm
Where: Nancy's
What: "A Christmas Carol' or other classic holiday tale
What else: Yankee Swap, consumable or book-related ($10 or less)

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