Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 15 - The Shack

We had a full house for our discussion of The Shack at Lisa's. Ten of us oohed and ahed over her kitchen renovation and crammed around her table to partake of the FABULOUS food: Karen's "wackitizers" (cucumber rounds topped with cheese; skewers with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella balls, and basil leaves), Susan's tomato/lentil spread and homemade cheese crackers to die for, Mary Beth's spinach and strawberry salad, Lisa's delicious soups (vegetarian Mexican and turkey barley). And the desserts! OMG. Becky made chocolate spice sugar cookies, Darla brought 5 flavors of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and Nancy Bates won the night with her amazing key lime pie. I am surely missing something. Please forgive me; I  have not yet recovered from my sugar coma.

We discussed a bunch of books and their authors (ahem, Darla). Karen was taking notes, so I am depending on her to let us know what these were. We had quite a lively discussion of The Shack, no doubt because no one liked it (even though we all finished it). We could see what the author was trying to do (Sunday school for adults) but they way he did it just made us cringe at times.

Our next book was supposed to be Elie Wiesel's Night, which nearly half of us had already read in prepration, but there was a decided movement that we should read something fun instead. So...

Next Meeting
Where: Nancy B's
When: June 12
What: Bossypants by Tina Fey

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