Tuesday, August 23, 2005

August 22 meeting - The Historian & The Piano Tuner

Leann provided a delicious meal of gazpacho soup and Southwestern bean salad (and a green salad and bread and raw veggies & dip and a buffet of desserts!). We had a lot to catch up but managed to talk about the books too. ;-)

The Historian
About half of us loved this book and couldn't put it down, and the other half thought it was hard to get into and much too long. Lisa appreciated how much of Eastern European history was found in it, making us all miss Liba's unique perspective. We discovered as well that Darla is a reader of vampire and other scary stories. We all enjoyed the idea of Vlad's library (maybe because so many of us are involved in libraries?).

The Piano Tuner
The tables were pretty much reversed with this book; those who loved The Historian found this one hard to get into and vice versa. I'm afraid the conversation was hampered by yours truly because I hadn't finished the book. Thank you for being so evasive, you guys! I did learn there is a twist at the end and the big question was: Is he or isn't he? I will have to find out.

Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 5, at Darla's (before the snow flies and we can still make it up her driveway).

Next Books
Our next books are Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of Bees, and Leonard Chang's Over the Shoulder. If anyone has trouble finding Over the Shoulder, send the group a note. Leonard Chang's Fade to Clear is also excellent and more recent (and features the same main character, Allen Choice).

1 comment:

Leonard Chang said...

Hey, thanks for selecting my novel for the next meeting! I hope you guys enjoy it. Let me know how it goes...

Best Wishes,
Leonard Chang