Eight of us gathered at Leann's for our annual Halloween read. Desserts prevailed. Susan brought the famous
New York Times plum tart (made with pears instead), I brought a silly little cake decorated with ghost and gravestone Peeps, and Leann -- oh, Leann outdid herself. Aside from roasted vegetables, and corn casserole made with John's corn (so good!), she made apple crisp and pumpkin pie. Lisa provided us with broomsticks (cheese and pretzel sticks) and fingers (decorated baby carrots), Michelle brought lovely cheese appetizers (cream cheese with pepper jelly, stringy mozzarella--sorry the Internet failed me when I tried to find the right name). Karen brought a lovely salad and acorn cookies. Becky and Darla - there were cold cuts and pumpkin sugar cookies; we you two responsible for them? Please forgive any omissions and errors. And please chime in with your recipes! I heard several calls for them
A view of our table (thanks to Lisa for the pic) |
I got the impression every enjoyed the book, although some found it more scary than others. Maybe Shirley Jackson's life was the scariest thing of all?? We talked about a ton of other things but I don't recall so many books being in the discussion this time. True? Discuss.
When: Thursday, December 8
Where: Nancy's
What to read:
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey