Five of us gathered at Becky's pool to sip "water" and discuss books and other things. It turned out to be a beautiful day, and the pool was refreshing. After we'd hung around poolside for a while, we retreated to the picnic bench for snacks. There was fruit and popcorn and chips and Leann's fabulous salsa and Karen's killer limoncello-infused cake.
The only decision we made was to get together to see the movie The Heat, which five of us (not quite the same group) did August 1st. We had a bite at Salt Hill and then went to the Nugget. The movie was hilarious.
At the pool, we decided to nominate Darla to host the next group and pick the book, and she has accepted the challenge.Thanks, Darla!
Next Meeting
Where: Darla's
When: When Darla would like to (perhaps a Friday so Mary Beth can visit from Burlington?)
What: Darla's choice