Before dinner, we snacked on Mary Beth's beautiful appetizer plate featuring cheese, kiwi, and mango; and Susan provided healthy watercress sandwiches (whole wheat bread with the crusts on) and made a pizza with garlic jam and Gorgonzola cheese on the spot. For dessert we feasted on Becky's yummy shoe-fly pie and Lisa's terrific Madeleines. I think we did it up worthy of the wealthy of the 1930's, don't you ladies?
Everyone liked the book, and we had an interesting discussion about class and the place of women in the 1930's. College was not such a necessity then as it is these days, and working class people who were smart and well-read could more easily mix with the wealthy in a place like New York. Every character reinvented himself or herself to some extent. That Eve sure had Moxie!
Upcoming Meetings
I suggested we try just serving finger foods at the next in-home meeting, because we have such a nice time chatting over hors d'oeuvres. We seemed to have a quorum in agreement, so that's the plan.
We also have plans or parts of plans for the next three meetings. To wit:
Where: The Norwich Inn for a wine tasting benefit for the Norwich Public Library
When: Wednesday, February 27, time to follow
What: The Round House by Louise Erdrich
What else: tickets for the wine tasting are $15 each
Where: Susan's
What: a Dorothy Parker short story, essay, or poem of your choosing
When: TBD
Where: Leann's
What: TBD
When: TBD