Four of us gathered at Leann's for our -- good! -- discussion of Fingerprints of God by Barbara Bradley Haggerty. What was fascinating to me was that, while everybody found parts of interest, there were varying reactions overall. I found the author's spiritual crisis compelling, but not everybody else did. And of course the discussion segued into all kinds of other things, serious and not-so-serious.
And the food was fabulous, as usual. Leann had mac & cheese, tuna salad, and her "man salad" - a bean salad we ladies found very yummy, so I question the name. We also had two blueberry desserts - a cake from Karen and a tart from Lisa.
Next Meeting
What: The Owl Killers by Karen Maitland
When: Tuesday, September 28
Where: Well...
Darla, you were nominated in abstentia, and Lisa volunteered as back up. However, she's having surgery on the 9th and will be in a cast...