The food and the company were delightful, however. Lisa (whom we missed) sent a long yummy tapas. Karen had the best sangria ever (thanks to a recipe from her good friend Martha). She also made a very nice soup, we had salads and manchego cheese, and a giant, smiling whoopee pie for dessert.
Then, to top it all off, there were crafts! Darla taught us how to make origami bookmarks. (Maybe she'll send the link where she got the directions if we ask her nicely.) I can't say I was successful, but everyone else was and there were extras so I didn't go home empty handed.
When: Thursday, October 22
Where: Leann's
What: A HALLOWEEN themed meeting where we will discuss Her Fearful Symmetry but Audrey Niffenger (author of The Time Traveler's Wife).
Please note! The book is being published on September 29. I'll have a review for you all before then, and I hear its to be reviewed in the New York Times this weekend.