Becky hosted a group of 8 for our discussion of Angle of Repose, by Wallace Stegner. About half of us read the book (I'm afraid I wasn't among them), and those folks had an interesting discussion. They also uniformly liked it (not equally, but let's not quibble; it did win the Pulitzer Prize, after all).
Becky made a yummy spring pea soup, and we had a couple of salads to go with. Lisa's artichoke dip held us over as we had our wine slushies (a very yummy frozen wine concoction of Becky's). And we had two cakes for dessert! A King Arthur cake and a Carvel ice cream cake, in celebration of Lisa's birthday just past.
Next Meeting
Where: Maureen's
When: Tuesday, August 4
What:Border Songs by Jim Lynch <>