Seven of us gathered to marvel at Becky's new condo (lovely, with a wall of windows) and discuss The Likeness by Tana French (among other things, of course). Becky made a delicious soup and apple crisp, with salads and various appetizers (plus plenty of wine) supplied by the rest of us rounding out the meal.
Everyone loved The Likeness, I'm happy to report! Seems many had read its predecessor, In the Woods, which is also highly recommended. (I was having such fun chatting I don't have much else to add, but please feel free to chip in.)
Next Meeting
When: Tuesday, December 2
Where: Nancy's
What: Astrid and Veronika by Linda Olsson AND Mallory's Oracle by Carol O'Connell
What else: Annual Yankee Swap and NEW THIS YEAR, a cookie exchange!
For the Yankee Swap, bring a wrapped gift worth $10 or less ( or make something, we're easy). For the cookie exchange, bring 3 dozen cookies of one type.
Please don't worry if this sounds like a lot! Read one book, don't bake...whatever. We just want you to come. :-)