A few of us warmed ourselves on delicious pesto soup at Becky's for our discussion of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. We also watched the 1962 movie, which won Gregory Peck the best acting Oscar. We loved the book and marveled at how closely the movie followed it. We got a late start on the movie and ended up leaving late. Thanks for hosting us, Becky!
We were wondering if the latter part of the month was harder to schedule than the earlier part, so we've decided to meet again in the beginning of March. Here are the particulars:
Where: Nancy's
When: Thursday, March 8
What: A Day of Small Beginnings by Lisa Pearl Rosenbaum
P.S. I noticed that Robert Duvall had an acting credit in the movie, but I didn't see him. I just looked it up in the Internet Movie Database, and guess what -- he played Boo Radley!